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Update 01-12-25

Author Update 01-12-25

Do you hear that sound?

Quick update on what I’m working on: an audiobook. Handyman Volume 3 has 7 chapters, but I’ve been spending much more time on someone else’s book. A friend of mine just self published her fantasy novel: Misty Lake. I made the cover, formatted the ebook and paperback, and created the fantasy map inside the book. I think it all turned out well. Now, I’m working on the audiobook for the novel. Seeing that it’s twice as long as my handyman books, it’s going to take me a long time to create.

All winter I’ve been in a writing slump, working on my own writing here and there, but not a lot. I had a good session a few nights ago, but haven’t had time since. The next book will definitely take me longer than the last ones. Although, to be fair on myself, when I published volume 1, a good portion of vol. 2 was already written. To not be fair on myself, in between that, I wrote and recorded the prequel audiobook that my email subscribers get for free…

Anyway, I’m still working on book stuff, but it’s not necessarily what fans might expect (unless you like high fantasy, with a heroes journey, magic, mind-speaking animals, bardic tales, and an intriguing backstory propelling the characters forward). Check out Misty Lake to see the work I did on it, and experience Carrie’s skillful storytelling. She’s a bit of a bard, and I’ve learned a thing or two from her on how to describe my scenes better. She has a very approachable, poetic style that is often very quaint when the characters aren’t being attacked by bandits and crazed mages. I find reading stories like hers to be refreshing.

Featured Book

Paul travels The Wasteland looking for work, but he’s mistaken for a rampaging maniac. When he’s facing certain death, a townsperson saves him and gives him a job. Now Paul owes her his life. But as he gets to know this odd woman, he finds she’s just as unstable as the rest of civilization. Maybe she’s just another crazy person that’s managed to survive The Wasteland. Can he perform the job without being killed by others in the town? Can he clear his name and prove that he’s just a simple handyman? Or will The Wasteland prevail and take his life? Read more.

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