I am on target to finish A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland Vol. 2 by the end of the year. I’m currently in the process of reworking two chapters in the middle of the book that one of my beta readers flagged as not holding her attention. I realized that the two chapters didn’t have a goal that propelled them forward. They were very dialogue heavy, which had important backstories, but overall didn’t fit into the full narrative well. So it’s getting a rework.
I have also been hard at work on the cover, which you can preview below.

I think this will be its final state. As I continue to look at it, I can’t think of anything that I want to change to make it better.
I’ve also started on the interior drawings for the ebook and paperback. And for the heck of it, here’s a preview of two of those. I think I’m noticing a theme of awesome hairdos here.

I’m still really looking forward to releasing this book! There are a lot of great moments in it. This has really been an exercise of honing in my humor, and the end packs a punch! It just reminds me of how thankful I am to all the people who have help with this series. I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback that helps me constantly improve my writing. I even read part the first part of book three to my writing group, and one person said “I think this is the best book intro of yours yet.” That’s a good sign.