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Update 03-01-24

Author Update 03-01-24

Sickness abound, delays will follow.

This has been the year of sicknesses. In the end of January (maybe the beginning of Feb.), when I published volume 2 of A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland, I got sick. And little did I know that I would remain sick for a month. It was very mild overall, but it affected my voice, which meant I couldn’t record the audiobook as I was planning. I had recorded a few chapters, then my voice sounded too different for me to continue. I waited and waited for it to normalize, and alas, it finally did! I recorded two chapters . . . then I got sick again.

Ughh. At least the second time only lasted about a week, but that was yet another week of delays on the audiobook. Of course, my job was also incredibly slow because of bad weather, which meant I had all the time in the world to record, and not the voice to do it.

Now that my voice is normal once more, I recorded another chapter–7 in total. I may need to rerecord the first chapter because I’m not entirely satisfied with the performance, but so far…it looks like I can proceed. I should just avoid all people until it’s finished! But that’s not going to happen. Best to keep up my social life so I stay healthy mentally too. If I’m feeling depressed, you can hear it in my voice, which is just as bad.

On another note, I have about 2 chapters written for book 3, and a general idea of what’s going to happen in the story. I hit a creative slump for a while there, but I may have gotten myself out of it last night. I was having trouble mentally getting the story from one point to another, but I think I’ve bridged that gap.

Featured Book

Paul travels The Wasteland looking for work, but he’s mistaken for a rampaging maniac. When he’s facing certain death, a townsperson saves him and gives him a job. Now Paul owes her his life. But as he gets to know this odd woman, he finds she’s just as unstable as the rest of civilization. Maybe she’s just another crazy person that’s managed to survive The Wasteland. Can he perform the job without being killed by others in the town? Can he clear his name and prove that he’s just a simple handyman? Or will The Wasteland prevail and take his life? Read more.

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