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A Handyman Can't Fix The Wasteland Vol. 2

Power Struggle
A Handyman Can't Fix The Wasteland Vol. 2 Cover




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Books in this Series

Tragedy strikes as fires threatens the town of Deliverance. All evidence points to the most obvious person to blame: the infamous Handyman. But Paul knows there’s there’s something else afoot, and it could be that slimy shoe salesman causing all the trouble, or maybe the boy with fire in his eyes. In his quest to pay off his crappy, overpriced boots, Paul becomes ingrained into a growing divide between two neighboring towns, both of whom would love to kill the other; all they need is a reason to start a war.

The Mayor

Book Details

Title: A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland Vol. 2
Subtitle: Power Struggle
Author: Joshua Coleman
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Dark Comedy, Light Novel, Humorous
Length: 58,075 words
Age Rating: 13+
Date Published: January 27, 2024
Language: English
Series Title: A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland
Number in Series: 2

Book Details

Title: A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland Vol. 2
Subtitle: Power Struggle
Author: Joshua Coleman
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Dark Comedy, Light Novel, Humorous
Length: 58,075 words
Age Rating: 13+
Date Published: January 27, 2024
Language: English
Series Title: A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland
Number in Series: 2
