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List of Characters

In the Novel The Way They Fell
- In Alphabetical Order -

Caligru – Male – 41

  • Lives in the valley
  • Exchanges the colony’s metals

Desupon – Female – 17

Friend – Teka
Father – Tiladon

  • Pursues things outside the colony
  • Doesn’t fit in with group

Kalak – Female – 70

Apprentice – Teka

  • Motherly with everyone

Kam – Male – 67

  • Respected Member
  • Joins intercessory council

Kinan – Male – 36

  • Goes to plume

Mum – Female – 32

Sister – Teka

  • Independent
  • Draws

Nelenak – Female – 43

Sister – Nemonak

  • Miner
  • Doesn’t like leadership
  • Bold personality

Nemonak – Female – 49

Sister – Nelenak
Husband – Sobo

  • Leader in the mines
  • Stubborn but obedient

Pir – Male – 42

  • Goes to plume
  • Doesn’t care for valley people much

Rozem – Female – 82

  • Most outspoken of the elders

Ruk – Male – 31

  • Teka’s love interest
  • Pleasant to be around

Sobo – Male – 48

Wife – Nemonak

  • Leader in the mines

Sola – Female – 29

  • A random miner

Sonadel – Male – 88

Granddaughter – Tal

  • Elder
  • Second oldest in colony

Tal – Female – 35

Grandfather – Sonadel

  • Goes to plume

Teka – Female – 30

Friend – Desupon
Mentor – Kalak
Sister – Mum
Love Interest – Ruk

  • Initiates change within the colony
  • Works with the head-geologist

Tiladon – Male – 52

Daughter – Desupon

  • Head-Elder to the colony
  • Wants to stop the plume

Vitren – Male – 37

  • Lives in the valley
  • Sarcastic, somewhat disrespectful personality