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Update 06-02-23

Author Update 06-02-23

2nd draft is halfway done.

A Handyman Can’t Fix The Wasteland Volume 2 is halfway through the second draft. It’s also the 2nd day of June, so that makes it a lot of twos. I don’t have a whole lot to say about the project at this point, honestly. I haven’t been making too much time to write, so the process is a bit slower. I try to work on it at least once a week. I’d love to get it out sooner, but life has priorities, and this doesn’t always make it to the top of the list.

I just started a new chapter today, one of several that I determined, after talking with my alpha reader, needed to be added. I haven’t had to make many significant changes to the other chapters of the 1st draft (other than one chapter I rewrote at least three times). A few reaction changes, dialogue and such, but I’ve been able to keep most of the overall content. I had a pretty good foundation with the first draft, but I just need to develop it further, expand on it and grow it. There is one chapter in the second half of the book that I think will see some significant changes, if not a rewrite, but I think that’s the only one at the moment.

That’s all I’ve got for now.

Featured Book

Paul travels The Wasteland looking for work, but he’s mistaken for a rampaging maniac. When he’s facing certain death, a townsperson saves him and gives him a job. Now Paul owes her his life. But as he gets to know this odd woman, he finds she’s just as unstable as the rest of civilization. Maybe she’s just another crazy person that’s managed to survive The Wasteland. Can he perform the job without being killed by others in the town? Can he clear his name and prove that he’s just a simple handyman? Or will The Wasteland prevail and take his life? Read more.

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